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Dresden once the glorious residence of the duke of Saxony was heavily destroyed during the second world war. In the last two decades however many of the old buildings like the “Frauenkirche”, the “Zwinger” and other famous buildings were restored to their former state.

Specifically the former dukes’ residence is interesting because it houses one of the most intriguing collections of jewels and artistic objects in the world. The collection can be visited in the “Grünes Gewölbe” a heavily armed and guarded part of the palace that is now occupied by a national museum.

Unfortunately the weather was far from being ideal. In addition they had raised building slots and other technical equipment virtually everywhere so that it was almost impossible to take images of the historical building without having a lot of building equipment on frame.


Camera System usedPhaseone IQ, Horseman Technical Framework
LensSchneider Digitar 24mm XL APO



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