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The sad state of Adobe Photoshop

Adobe is desperately trying to squeeze money out of customers by making them believe that their products are spearheading the “AI Revolution” The truth...

Kinbaku Safeguards

The following questions help you to understand how we can work with each other during a Shibari session. I compiled my point of view...

Editorial Moods

Sample images taken from a random selection of editorials around people and moods. Those can be taken from the Noh and Kabuki theatre, simple...

Editorial Fashion

Sample images taken from a random selection of editorials based on fashion styles. Features small series where the muse and I setup a specific...

Why I am no longer using the Phaseone camera system

For most people it is a rather frightening decision to move to another camera platform and for a good reason. You invest quite an...

Alex – Cello Moods

This is session where I wanted to test a set with a musical instrument. Alex was kind enough to join me. I  wanted to...

Do not use Capture One. Its Dysfunctional …

This software is the attempt of making a RAW processor that Phase One the notoriously overpriced and technologically under developed camera producer is selling...

Creating hard sunlight on location

In my last article I claimed that one can create harsh sunlight on location using artificial light and without expensive light modifiers. To achieve...

Jewish Cemeteries – Xanten

Jewish cemeteries are marvelous relics from a time when numerous communities flourished throughout Germany enriching the intellectual and cultural life of our country. Today...

Snapshots from Dusseldorf

Last year I had the opportunity to work with Rubi Stri from Brussels. She is not only a wonderful model but a very charming...

Snapshots from Bruessels

Last winter we visited Brussels for a few days and I wanted to use the opportunity to do another photo session with the lovely...

Photographing Bumble Bees

I live in a house that is located in what was the park of one of the many embassies that once graced the former...

Dragon of Wisdom

Lately I had some time to wield the paintbrush again … concepts from a newer campaign in the reaches of the Southern Dayinel and...

Mimic the effect of the Profoto Hardbox and save 994 Euros

If you like to mimic intense sunlight using artificial light sources and look for a suitable way to do this you might have come...

Journey into the realm of photography – A resumé

A few years ago I started to explore the art of concept illustrations. Not just out of curiosity but because I wanted to do...

Equipment I use and why

Actually one could use any camera to produce great images. I take the liberty to state that it is mostly a point of personal...

Available Light versus artificial light …

Is available light better than artificial light ? Am I stuck with images that look like as if taken in a dentists lab if...

A glimpse of the past: Meeting Mr. Mubarrak

First images from a meeting with the president “Mubarrak”. Last weekend I met a friend of mine to go through some test scenes for...

Jewish cemeteries in Germany

Jewish cemeteries are marvelous relics from a time when numerous communities flourished throughout Germany enriching the intellectual and cultural life of our country. Today...

Post Tower at sundown

When I tried a first round of photographs of their headquarters I used the Mamyia 35 mm lens on the Phaseone IQ system. This...

Snapshots from a session with Milena

In this session I was supported by Rolland Flinta a well known wet plate photographer from Bonn. His former atelier has a gently natural...


Some initial raw images for a tee session testing.

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